European Gliding Championship 2007
ISSOUDUN - FRANCE, 06.08.2007 - 18.08.2007
15 M
Day 1, 09.08.2007
Speed Task
Turnpoint Distance Crs Sector description
011Start Iss 7.1 km 160° To Next Point, Line 10,0km
131Mirebeau 139.8 km 263° Cylinder R=500m
063Chenonceaux 89.3 km 048° Cylinder R=500m
191Ste Lizaigne 79.3 km 116° Cylinder R=500m
003Finish18 12.2 km 175° To Previous Point, Line 2,0km
Total: 320,7km

Scored with SeeYou compétition v2007-2.00